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Due to our operation in the US, all media offered here is subject to all applicable US Anti Piracy Laws, and all copyright infringement laws. It is legal in the US to own a digital backup of legally purchased media such as DVDs and CDs.

Copyright laws and laws pertaining to patents and inventions protect original works of authorship and inventions. Individuals who reproduce, distribute copies, receive copies, publicly perform or display works or inventions other than their own and without the consent of the owners or holders of rights, or their authorized agents, in original works of authorship or inventions, may be in violation of copyright, patent or other intellectual property infringement. DMAP does not encourage or condone the illegal copying of copyrighted material. This is not intended to be legal counsel or advice. If you have any questions, consult your attorney.

If you click the links below you agree that you are downloading for the purpose of obtaining a legal digital backup of movies or music you already own, And that you are not using this site to illegally obtain movies you don't already own as that would be Piracy. Just keep in mind that once you click the below links, DMAP is no longer responsible for what you download or why.

Your Information will be private from all eyes unless requested by the federal government, you Dirty, Dirty Boys!

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